Scan your PC to find available updates and patches applicable to your system. UpdateScanner is an advanced tool that helps you keep an up-to-date and secure system.
The program's user interface is divided into four sections, accessible through tabs. The most important section is probably "Scan". There you can see information about your current Windows version – including whether it is supported by the program or not – and the latest Service Pack installed. When clicking on the "Scan" button, you will get a list of updates available for your system. This list includes the name of the update – typically encoded using the letters "KB" followed by six digits –, the status (where an "X" means that the update is missing, and a check sign that you already have it), and the attribute (an "S" for a security update, and an "O" for optional updates).
Additionally, you can click on any listed update to see a description of it. Unfortunately, this description appears to be available in German only. Together with the description, you also get a direct link to the update download page on the Microsoft's website. But you will have to download and install these updates manually, which might be a very time-consuming task depending on the status of your system.
Next section is "Export", where you can save the available update list as an HTML or a text file. You can also select whether to export the security updates only, the optional updates only, or both of them. Likewise, you can select already installed updates only, missing updates only, or both of them. The next section, "About", apart from showing some detailed information about the program, allows you to change the interface language, which is German by default.
In conclusion, UpdateScanner is a tool that allows you to know – in a precise way – what updates need to be applied to your system. Unfortunately, it lacks the automation functions necessary to download and install those updates for you.
- It finds available updates even for applications such as Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player
- Shows both security and optional updates, and tells you if they are missing or already installed
- Allows you to filter and export your updates list to HTML or text formats
- Multilingual user interface
- The program's interface is in German by default
- The descriptions for the available updates found are in German only
- The program allows you to download and install the updates manually only, on a one-by-one basis
- Requires .NET Framework 2.0 or higher installed on your system